I’d be giving you the look walking that dog in my neighborhood too. And there’s nothing you can do that would change my mind about your dog either except getting rid of it. My kids aren’t experiments to test how good you think your special dog is. Sorry, this is what you signed up for when you chose to get that dog. There are plenty of breeds out there to choose from. I’d be giving you that look with any large dog that appeared out of control or aggressive in any way. But obviously I’m more cautious around PBs and Rotts for obvious reasons and why should you expect other people to assume your dog special?
Any dog owner who thinks that THEIR dog would never hurt a fly is lying. Dogs are animals and any good dog owner knows this. While they may act one way 99.9% of the time there’s always that .1% when they can do something totally out of character and unexpected. My 12-year-old niece was just bit last weekend by one of those sweet, unsuspecting yellow labs who the owners described as “just a big friendly puppy who wants to play”. She was running down the sidewalk and passed the dog, who was sitting in his yard, unleashed, and he decided to chase her down and bite her. Awwww, he just wanted to play!