ibjames. You have it right James, For the buyer that you are . Thanks for the feedback. I bet you do the right thing for your situation. I hope so.
The situation I am talking about are not for every one. It is for more people than one might think. I new a bunch of single people who bought cheap houses and condos in questionable neighborhoods a long time before the bottom and stole them relative to rents. Not to sound sexist but I think men have and advantage in this.
There are the type of people like you describe that just want out. It looks like this might be happening on a lot near me.I’d probably buy it if they were to take my wishing price but I am afraid of being out of balance with rural properties,even with just two because I am not rich and dirt doesn’t cash flow. Maybe someone else will take it that way.
I agree with your suggestion to Matt. I’d patiently slam them 10-20% off unless he thinks his target area is a neighborhood that hasn’t been hit as hard it should be yet. Maybe the market keeps coming down to meet the offer maybe you get one done with an interest rate less than 6% and get on with life. I wouldn’t overwork the real estate agent just drop one every month or two or send out a bunch contingent on viewing the property and all the normal contingencies. Hipmatt knows the neighborhood as well as anyone so it is his call.
JWM Former San Diego answered your question as well as I could have. I am curious about your answer to his question as well.
Contraman if you check back in can you post your email again or send one to rustico7642@hotmail.com. I’d like to ask you a question about a loan niche.