I would never personally live in Tulsa OK I would only likely move to the Pac NW or New England, maybe Hawaii. Or possibly even to somewhere in Asia part of the year. But I have heard people say good things about Tulsa, it’s just not for me.
I wrote in another post what I think of the whole red state/blue state color coded map issue and how it is over simplified. The fact is there are still a lot of fiscal conservatives in places like CA, Pac NW, and the Northeast U.S. Many are the wealthier higher educated people working in knowledge based industries (silicon valley, biotech, venture cap, etc). They are of course still much smaller in numbers than the Dems, but just looking at a color coded map of the U.S. red state vs. blue state generalizes this. It makes one believe everyone in a blue state is a raging liberal and everyone in a Red state listens to Rush Limbaugh daily.
I think the Repub party suffers from a marketing “branding” problem with these color coded maps in being too associated with *social conservatives* in the bible belt. When there are many moderate Repubs that lean to the right on taxation, spending, size and scope of Gov, entitlement reform, unions, pro-business, financial regulation. But lean to the left on gun control, pro choice, climate change, environment, war mongering. These are moderate Republicans, more “Michael Bloomberg” type Repubs. And I think if the Repub party branded itself more along these lines, they would get more of the higher income undecided voters and women on the coasts, who really are fiscal conservatives deep down. Or they will be soon when they start looking at what’s left of their paychecks.