I would agree with you EconProf. Been to both of those countries about 15 years ago and they are 100% my choice as well if I left the US.
As far as domestic choices I would say that your constraints are employment. PW we are in the same boat in my home. My wife has been pushing really hard over the past few years to bail out of SD. Every day I wrestle more with the choice. Being somewhat constrained by engineering my choices get limited quickly. It is not even close with respect to economies for various states. Texas is a clear winner by far and away. As for engineering it has a strong presence so for us that where we would probably land. Dallas/Ft Worth would be the pick, not because I like it there but because that is where the probabilities of gainful employment for engineering are best. Austin is a much nicer city and does have a nice tech base as well.
It should be clear that the state leadership in California is fundamentally inept. The ideology does not match the pocketbook and we all like to dance around the issue that the state is insolvent. There is not a pro-business outlook for businesses big and small.
If the weather was not so damn nice more then likely none of us would be here.