I won’t step into this discussion too much, you are free to read the EIR though! But the plan is for 4000+ residential units but obviously we understand the market and the timing. Sounds like a lot of units but remember the goal is to move residential availability close to employment centers to reduce sprawl and commuting. Plus the plan is designed to be a city within a city allowing people to walk for many of their daily needs.
We are very patient developers. 🙂 This project has a 15+ year build-out horizon. The plan meets the ideas of infill development and the City of Villages idea and will provide access to the Trolley. Yes that is a lot of density however we are building millions of dollars of offsite improvements including improving freeway interchanges. The plan includes a huge park, school, some retail and office as well as Senior Housing, apartments, multi-family and single-family homes. We have worked extensively with the neighboring communities to develop a plan that best meets their desires. We think we are coming up with a great redevelopment of a real eyesore to the valley. The project is also a LEED ND pilot project and we are looking to build as much green on the site as possible. I’m very excited about it!
Take a look around the website, it gives a lot of information. You can watch Tom’s video and download the EIR.