I wish people would stop making abortion a political issue. It’s not, and never should be political.
Folks on this board know I’m an OB/GYN, and I would wager to say, lurkers aside, that I’m probably the only person here that has actually performed the said procedure. I’ll say as an editorial that if you do this after 9 weeks gestation you are living in a state of denial that you are not destroying a human life, as it is clearly recognizable as a baby. I stopped doing elective abortions after being scarred emotionally from the 2nd trimester cases after a while. (I’ll also add that elective terminations are also illegal in goverment hospitals, so I don’t need to make the decision now)
With that said, you might think I was pro-life, but I’m not. This procedure, while, I personnally think it is abominable, MUST remain legal and safe. The public health consequences of restricting it are just too terrible. You only need to bury one 15 year old who has had an unsafe procedure and a resulting sepsis to convince you of that fact.
Ron Paul is a fellow OB/GYN, and I suspect his current view on the subject is quite similar to my own.