I went to the meeting. They’re trying to railroad homeowners into paying. MAD – Maintenance Assessment District. They didn’t notify homeowners. If the City Council sends out ballots, you can vote. PROBLEM is that you get so many votes based on how much you pay. For example, if you pay $50 you get 50 votes. If a business pays $1,000 the business gets 1000 votes. Business will have majority vote and pass it through.
I was MAD. Livid. Furious. Discover PB is behind it. They did a great job. People discovered PB and come from all over to trash the place while business make a $hitload of money and as an added bonus, let’s add insult to injury and have the homeowners pay for cleaning up the trash, graffiti, steam cleaning urine and vomit in the streets and extra security from all the drunks that want to fight and stab people. Great plan. Sign me up. /end sarcasm.