I watch this show called “I shouldn’t be Alive” and it is Gnarly. It has “re-enactments” of true stories and computer graphics of what’s going on inside their dying bodies.
There’s one episode where five people capsize their sailboat in the Atlantic and are stuck on a rubber dinghy for four days in the hot sun with no food and water.
Two of the guys drink sea water, then go crazy and jump off the dinghy and start swimming. They both get eaten by sharks, one of them gets eaten in a feeding frenzy of sharks right under the dinghy while the others hang on, trying not to get bumped off by the frenzied sharks.
One of the girls cuts her leg and then the wound festers in the urine soaked boat and she finally dies and has to be tossed overboard. The two remaining survivors who are almost dead get picked up by a Russian fishing boat and one goes on to become a motivational speaker. Awesome!