I was not aware of that, BG. We do have an immigration problem. Always have. It would be nice if people were here legally and paying taxes for services like the rest of us. I have nothing against them wanting to come here for a better life, but I wish it were done the legal way.
My parents had a difficult time way back in the day to come to this country from Italy. It took them 12 years of trying and they also learned our language. They were not kids when they did this (learning a new language is far easier for kids, than adults). My grandmother was the only one who did not learn English. She was old and did not work and was not exposed to the language.
My brother did his internship in Italy. He met a girl. They married. It took her over 10 years to get citizenship.
If my family could do this and so many others like them have, then it is possible. I’m not saying it is not w/out effort, but it can be done. Of course, driving across and working and living illegally and benefitting from services is easier.
I don’t want to seem unsympathetic, but at the same time I would like the problem to be addressed in a way that benefits all. As it stands now, our state is drained by them taking advantage of our services and employment.