I was just basing my facts off of a census of all Americans between the age of 18-64. I think it is fair to say that anyone over 18 and under 65 without a disability and able to work would be considered employable, wouldn’t you? Things are looking uglier to me by the day! 31.6 million on food stamps is absolutely scary. I am puzzled how a country on the verge of economic collapse is going to have the ability to continue to support this excess of Americans who are in need.
What is even scarier is I have a few foundations that are run strictly off donations (clothing, food and so forth). Most of it is done through friends and colleagues. No one is donating and my wife and I are in shock how few people seem to be interested in helping others. Even if we were broke we would go out of our way to help those in need. Americans seem to be turning the other cheek.