I was feeling it too (tipping point)… until I came here to CA for a visit.
Everyone I know out here is so absolutely CERTAIN that it wont crash much. If they own, they are sure their properties will not go down at all. If they dont own, they are saying things like, “we really missed the boat.” These are people with good incomes and jobs (and brains – although I am starting to question that a bit).
Since I am only here once a year – the only real “change ” I’ve noticed is that there are so many moms driving around with ‘PEACE’ and ‘COEXIST’ stickers on their cars. Big difference from last summer.
I do not understand why Rich’s graphs are not front and center in the paper. People need to understand how out of whack the market is. They need education – and I used to think that was what the “news”paper was supposed to do… inform the people.