I’ve never had a tumor on my arm, but there was a protrusion that the docs cut out of my sphincter.
“I don’t understand what about my beliefs are communist. Nothing I believe in is of a communist nature.”
I could not have been more clear when I replied to you previously. I have not called you a communist. I have simply pointed out that liberals and communists share the same goal, redistribution of wealth. You might call it being “fair”. It is only their method that varies. Both methods are antithetical to our constitution, but any judge who can find the right to murder a child under the right to privacy in our constitution, can read the constitution to mean anything, and that is what liberals have done over the past fifty years.
You say that you don’t want a command economy, but every liberal solution is a government manipulation of the market place.
As for cultural and historical ignorance, this ties in nicely to what troubles me most about the Bobaman. Back in the days before the union thugs of the NEA took over America’s schools. I was educated in my primary years by intelligent older women who were following a calling. A big part of this education was in the simple traditions and history of our nation.
We don’t teach these things anymore. Maybe this has something to do with the affinity of younger people to Bobama. Wherever he was born, and that issue has yet to be set to rest, he was not raised in the history and traditions of this nation, nor by a mother who had a love for her native land. That’s bizarre, and frankly disqualifying for governmental leadership at almost any level.