I voted for Obama, but now am starting to wonder what the hell i did. I;ve seen some of his draft legislation pass by my desk in recent weeks. He’s going to end up digging this country a bigger hole than Bush, which is freaky. He’s a really smart guy, but doesn’t get what the real challenges are. He is taking halfway steps. You can’t change anything by doing it half way. He needs to really just jump into it. He’s afraid of consequence and intern is doing exactly what he is trying not to do. He could go down in flames just like Bush. The hope of him being elected is going to turn to despair. This is a sad time. He’s already failing and he hasn’t even been in the white house yet. The economic stimulus plan that he is putting forward is fraud. It will not create any long term jobs and once the funding is spent, there will be nothing new but a huge bill to pay. Fixing pot holes along our streets will on provide temporary employment. Once the money is gone, no more whole fixing. We’ll just be over leveraged and out of budget.
Obama needs to start thinking or how bridge the broken economy we have today, with a new economy of tomorrow. He is not doing this.
Sad.. To think a democrat could be worse than a republican, especially Bush, freaks me out.