I understand your consternation PD, believe me I do. But a society has to have rules and ethics – you don’t exist in a vacuum. Why is it that the rich are getting so much richer? Is it hard work, dedication, or is society just set up for the benefit of the rich? The idea is that above a certain limit society gets to share in what you have. It’s a tax. If you want to eliminate the estate tax, then lets have a much higher graduated tax – and remove what George Bush did – steal from the rest of society so some people could buy more cars and bigger houses.
I am an entrepreneur – I don’t like insanely high taxes – but our current tax system is not only very unfair, it is legalized theft. The rich are paying a tiny percentage of taxes compared to the average joe (based on disposable income). Take someone making 30K per year. After paying for housing, basic food, insurance, etc. there is nothing left. Take someone making 400K… After paying for housing, basic food, insurance, (and taxes)… Woh! There is 200K left over!!! Woo HOO!
And JG – nice to be on the top… But the folks that cut your grass, wire your houses, cook your meals, clean up your tables and change your oil deserve services also. Funny – but all the people of have so much really think that everyone else should get crap.