I think you’re wrong flu. I don’t think any apology is necessary. In fact, I think your input in this thread has been incredibly valuable. At least it has been for me. As a member of a tiny minority that has been discriminated against and faced bigotry in much of the world for more than 1,000 years, I’m sensitive about it. And it pisses me off to no end when it’s suggested that I’m overly sensitive, because I see things that others may not.
What it’s taught me is that black people in this country see and feel things that I can’t possibly see or feel. As do members of the LGBT community. As does every woman. Because I’ve never been a black man, or a gay man or a woman. It never occurred to me that there may be some bigotry involved in this case. I never saw it. You did. You showed it to me. And for that, I thank you.