I think you’re taking this discussion a little too personally. Maybe since you live there, you feel every negative comment is a personal attack, but all my comments are merely to give other folks an honest, real opinion of why “WE” didn’t choose to move there. Similar to how Skyranchowner posts reasons as to why he chose to live there, most of the comments and my comments here is the other side of the story so to speak.
As for blatant lies, I didn’t talk about the schools at all so I can’t speak for the other person who did, but read my earlier post on the % of sex offenders in Santee vs. the other areas, there is data to back that comment up and was another reason we didn’t choose to move there (any comments from any Santee owners if that metric was a concern for you?).
I think this thread keeps getting resurrected because some folks do seem to like to bash Santee for whatever reason (maybe it’s just to get you folks riled up), but probably also because of comments like calling it “La Jolla of the East” or 15 minutes to the beach comments. 🙂
Anyhow, no one had any thoughts to my earlier question as to why not live in Blossom Hill in Carlsbad for the same price as Skyranch?
I think everyone here is married, why else would we even bother searching for a home!