I think you are all on to good theories on how this will play out, but as we all know on here, there’s always the unknowns that keep dragging out the price depreciation. I think the biggest one right now is the elections coming up and how that will affect the economy. I don’t think either party can do much more to ‘delay’ inevitable at this point, but do think that wall street will react more once the elections are over…this will trickle down to our little local.
So SD R, with that said and you thinking it’s not til late ’09 for the ‘nicer’ areas to see any signaficant drops, how is your family reacting to that thought?? Just curious as we have now been a bit in limbo, and my patience is narrowing on waiting this out….seriously have considered moving outta the area like some of the smarter piggs on here. Wait it out in a ‘non’ bubble area in a nice comfortable setting….