I think too many conspiracy theorists are out there amongst us these days. As SD R said, the one on leucadia Blvd appears pretty much on the level. The agents on both sides of the transaction are very experienced, reputable folks and I sincerely doubt there is fraud involved. Even if it was financed 100%, which it wasnt, I would give these agents a pass.
Too many of you are so convinced that no one in their right mind would buy RE today so it must be fraud. That just isnt they way it is. For the last 2 months I have gotten a referral for a new client on nearly a weekly basis for a well qualified buyer looking for a nice property. If there was more inventory on the market I would be having a career year. Hopefully, there will be more quality inventory coming at reasonable prices in todays market because right now we are pretty much left with the same crap thats been around for months which would have a hard time selling at any price.