I think the “telephone” scenario is how the WTC7 collapse news spread from the site of the attack to the BBC news; no way were they a party to any inside information. All it would take is for one person in a fire captain’s outfit to tell some first responders that “The building is coming down — it’s been weakened by the fire. Go tell the other units to get back.” and the story would spread quickly to the emergency crews and media. There were many fire units from all over NYC and as long as his badge was from a different unit, they wouldn’t question his authority. After that, he just takes off his hat and jacket and disappears back into the crowd. No one ever remembers where they first heard the story, they just know that they heard it from someone…
Or maybe it actually did collapse from a fire. I’m no expert, it just seems really suspicious that’s all.
The BBC has conveniently lost their tapes, not because they’re part of any conspiracy, but because they are embarassed. They’ve been shown as being unreliable, they report hearsay without even doublechecking it.