I think the confidence is all but gone in the markets. ST, I think you made a poor decision in selling gold at $810/oz, although nothing wrong with a little profit taking. I have a sneaky suspicion we are going to start seeing the markets make some heavy corrections in the near term because there are very few strings left to be pulled by our government and corporations will have little to cheer about for quite some time.
I am loading up again on silver and gold as I feel we truly are now at a time where the Fed can no longer take action to stop this crisis. What will unfold in the next 6 months will be quite alarming and my belief is gold and silver won’t see many more of these recent downward corrections.
I also believe that some gold and silver mining stocks could also have some incredible potential. It really interesting to see how the markets now react to rate cuts and infusion of funds into our failing system. It is a matter of time before unemployment hits 15% and our currency becomes worthless or at lest worth less!