I think that we all agree that the country needs to wean itself from imported oil. There are many ways to do that.
It is quite unrealistic to believe that the rich will not get richer as infrastructure is built up for a new energy platform. I actually don’t really care about that anymore. Pickens made a zillion on oil and now he sees opportunity to make more zillions because of the new paradigm for oil… that it will not only never return to levels we saw as little as a year ago but it will only get more expensive.
I believe it is imperative to wean the country off of imported oil or at least reduce it to 10-20% level. If that means incentivizing companies to build that infrastructure or even direct government funding I am for it.
We are about to watch the FED basically prop up Fan and Fred with a wide open discount window. We have already watched a 300 billion dollar package sail through our legislature.
Personally I would rather see every penny of that go towards building windmills but I guess other people disagree.