I think some of you ought to give Brian a break. I don’t see anyone else here stating that they’re volunteering at homeless/domestic violence shelters, etc. Or even contributing money to any.
Brian seems like the only one here sticking his neck out to keep this thread going. He’s entitled to his opinions and so is everyone else.
He’s absolutely right that the “rich” have left huge legacies all over America. In this state, we only have to look to the CSU campuses, the UC campuses, hospitals, large non-profit organizations such as scouting and locally, museums, Father Joe’s and the blood bank, etc, to see what the “rich” have been up to. I for one have seen, touched and heard many of the legacies they (and their organizations) have left behind to use and enjoy and greatly appreciate their contributions to society.
It is perfectly acceptable to me that the “rich” are best serving the poor by doing what they do best . . . that is, setting up charitable foundations and fund raising. If those activities involve regularly hosting $300+ plate black-tie events . . . so be it. I don’t care if the “rich” ever get their “hands dirty.” I appreciate all they have done and are doing for this county and state.
Back to Ferguson … the young people there don’t have the same opportunities that similarly-situated young people have in CA. Nor do they have regular and constant supplies of a wide variety of reasonably-priced fresh fruit and vegetables at their disposal like we in Cali do. Their CC’s (“junior colleges”) cost more money to attend for in-state students than CC’s in CA do and the few public university campuses in MO cost just as much or more to attend for an in-state resident in a state where the median household income is much less than that of 90% of the household incomes in CA’s locales.
For those many Piggs who have never seen first-hand the actual living conditions of the majority of residents of suburban, semi-rural or rural “flyover country” of the US, I’m here to tell you that you cannot compare your life here in CA (and your kid’s lives and the opportunities afforded them here) to the opportunities (or lack thereof) which exist locally for the vast majority of Ferguson families. We in Cali don’t have rust residue and/or sediment coming out of our taps and by necessity need to install water filters and change them often (an addt’l expense for poor families). Yes, we are all Americans but the lifestyles in each contrasting locale (no matter what the income level) are night and day.
I’m not making excuses for any of the players in this saga. I’m just saying that each of those players is coming from a different set of values and a different “playing field” which longtime Cali residents might have a difficult time understanding.
Which leads me back to Cali’s ENDLESS supply of “rich” benefactors who do so much good work for this great state. Yes, flyover states have their benefactors to public works and public causes as well, but there are nowhere near as many of them in those states as there are here.
And scaredy, I do not think a similar situation could happen here because, as you know, there is too much political pressure and constant legal pressure on CA law enforcement agencies to open up their records and deal with the affected employees swiftly while they (and their layered labor relations oversight agencies) conduct separate investigations.
Ya’ll should all be thankful for the opportunities and infrastructure afforded you and your families as CA residents and for the fact that you aren’t “trapped” in your mobility. It is highly likely that many (most?) Ferguson residents (young and old alike) can see no way out and so won’t even dare to dream about leaving.