I think paying $1.79 for a 35-cent can of green beans is just insane. I see these seniors come into Vons towards the end of the month and check out all the clearances and put food in their small hand baskets and then set it down again and one of them will take out their calculator to see if they have enough $$ to buy everything before they go to the register. Or they will gaze over the 50% off meat selection and sigh because THESE prices are still too high.
Maybe it’s time for some of them to go qualify for commodities or order Meals on Wheels. There’s no shame in that, especially if you’re 80.
I’ll be d@mned if I’m gonna pay $4.49 for a gallon of milk or $3.49 for a dozen eggs. You’ve GOT to be kidding! And I’m nowhere near 80!
And we don’t even live in a “food desert” here :={