I think one of the things about piggs is that some of them overthink the situation. They go beyond the charts and dig up underlying causes for the chart movements, especially on the way down. Then when the charts change, even though some of the underlying causes may have remained in place, some of them did not waiver. Most of them did. Even Rich himself justified his purchase based on what the charts displayed rather then go well beyond those charts. Indeed the vast majority of the old schoolers who used to populate the forum here are long gone as they purchased based on that same data. The only regret I hear from many of them is that they didn’t buy more.
While things are moving fast now, it wasn’t like that. We came out of it in 09 slowly, ramped up, then dipped….. then came out of it slowly again. I don’t believe we have seen a surge in demand, (from the quantity of buyers) just a lack of supply that makes those buyer act in a more frenzied manner. Seems to me this started to happen around summer last year and started to pick up steam over the winter.