I think on a whole women (especially young women) are a lot more likely to listen to the advice others give them, fall in line, and go for “safe” options. So as a whole women went after more steady and growth industries, while many men kept chasing their dreams. Globalization also has hit men a lot harder than women. Teaching and Nursing, two traditionally female dominated professional fields, can never be outsourced.
The comment on the “cougar phenomenon” is pure rubbish. Young men like cougars because they represent easy sex without the emotional complications younger women typically bring to the table. If there was a huge rush of younger men actually marrying older women (as opposed to engaging in casual and short term relationships) we’d be hearing all about them.
Although teen girls still have an achievement gap in math and science, teaching boys is actually a huge issue. Boys are far more likely to have behavioral problems, and started struggling academically as a whole a while ago.