I think its harsh to view her plight as her own fault. Her finances could have been crippled by medical bills. Not everyone is fortuante enough to have medical insurance. Perhaps she hasn’t always worked because she was a stay at home mom. Perhaps her ex-husband screwed her and took all their money overseas. If she was working, she may have been “providing” for her children as a single mother and therefore never able to save much. Perhaps she suffered from a horrible financial advisor who invested poorly and left her with little. How can anyone be callous enough to say that its her fault she’s in the position she’s in and deserves to live in a car for her stupid choices? Have you never made a stupid choice in your life or been struck my misfortune?
Perhaps she’s staying in SB because she wants to be near her 19 year old daughter. When you’re down and out, I think you’d want support in the form of love. For her to just pick up and move somewhere less expensive and away from the only love and support it sounds like she has, might be quite difficult.
I think its easy for those of us sitting in our comfortable homes / glass towers to cast stones. Perhaps we should all stop living on our high horses and reach out to help others. If you’re too selfish to help others, at least have some sympathy.