I think it’s common for two highly intelligent, educated people to disagree on policy issues. I’ll cite two examples of very intelligent men I strongly disagree with on a lot of issues: Newt Gingrich and Anton Scalia. Both are incredibly intelligent men. Both have opinions on how the world should be that appall me.
I do think the Left over bashed GW Bush’s intelligence. While he may have lacked the raw intellect of Bill Clinton (or Newt Gingrich) or even Nixon, he certainly wasn’t an idiot and is more intelligent than your average person. He tended to pander to less educated voters and play up his “Good ‘Ol Boy” act. I’ve seen his IQ estimated between 115-125 based off his SAT score, which seems pretty reasonable.
Estimates for Obama’s IQ score tend to roam all over the map. Obama is a Harvard Law grad, and law school is challenging even at a lower tier school like Thomas Jefferson here in San Diego. Obama is probably in the same ballpark for IQ as Bill Clinton/Newt Gingrich, somewhere in the 120-135 range.