The “budget” they put together is a joke. If they cut everything but education, prisons, welfare, and medi-cal – they still could not balance the budget.
Health and human Services 31.1 billion
Corrections 10.3 billion
K-12 education 41.0 billion
Higher Education 12.0 billion
Total of above 94.4 billion
Total state rev 90.0 billion
This excludes congress, DOT, Highway Patrol, the Courts, EPA et. al.
For the 2008-2009 year, California expects to spend 104 billion with 90 billion in income – -14 billion.
For the 2009-2010 year, California expects to spend 111 billion with 86 billion in income and a deficit of 14 billion from the prior year.
All tolled a 41 billion deficit. That’s 41 billion deficit on total revenue of 86 billion.
Sooner or later, the state will officially be bankrupt.