I think any two people (man/woman, woman/woman, man/man) who are in a committed relationship should be allowed to get married in the eyes of the law (and achieve all of legal protections, recognition and tax benefits that entails). As far as churches are concerned, they can choose not to recognize those unions.
I am very conservative in some areas but very liberal in others.
I am also a proponent of stem cell research. There are thousands of people out there who are sick and/or dying whose lives can be dramatically improved or saved by this research. All of those people have mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, spouses, children and friends who are suffering along with them. How can the welfare of a handful of cells be more important than all of these other people? I say that the welfare of those living, breathing, thinking and loving should be far more important.
I predict that Perrychase will agree with me on civil unions and Powayseller will not. 🙂