I think a new Nobel peace prize category should be created for upper middle class 20-30% down, good neighborhood buyers. Something for those who fight against the injustice flippers, wetbacks and other people …rich or poor, insert into the aquisition process. In fact, if we could drive union wages down then housing prices would fall too.
Alternatively we could just never buy a house which would be the best thing for the market. Never buy a house and move in with family or friends. If we could turn away from a life of independent luxury and vouluntarily create increased density, on Mortgage free properties, then the banks would be screwed, Flippers would be screwed and there would be no buyers for the FHA to use as middle men to transfer the losses in the housing market to tax payers.People would be free from economic insecurity all around.
Simply requiring 20%-30% down would really have a very modest effect on to the evils of the debt for shelter system.Probably unintended consquences would make things as bad or worse for many people as it has ever been.