I think 20% is a fair number but given the affects of this current crisis, which will most definitely include a much higher short term spike in unemployment and a very negative view of our current economic situation, I believe this number could be closer to 30%.
This market seemed to have an influx of buyers as of recent, but my guess is with this fiasco we have probably cut that number in half (maybe less). Not only that but we have also added some unknowns to the current supply equation which will definitely affect the market.
I think everyone here had a pesimistic view of the market and we all knew it was going to be pretty bad, but none of us would have guessed three weeks ago that our economy was on the brink of complete disaster. At this point, I have zero faith in this government and this economic system run by the FEDERAL RESERVE MAFIA.
I guess this means nothing anymore:
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”
Abraham Lincoln