I still think the majority of the population is assuming that Obama will be saving us all. Unfortunately there is very little he can do at this point to minimize the destruction of our economy or anyone else for that matter. I think the central banks will likely try to pull some sort of drastic moves in the next 3 or 4 months, but it is just too little too late.
I personally have stocked on some supplies, i.e. large water storage supplies, bags of rice, propane and some other odds and ends. I am far from prepared for any sort of disaster, but a lot more mentally prepared for what could happen.
I remember sending out a letter to the family about 5 months ago during the initial collapse of the markets. One of my family members called me up and started laughing. Now I get a call from him every few days for updates. He is losing his home, his job and many things he spent his life accumulating merely because he assumed this collapse was a myth.
A quick story. I am out in Nevada working on some alternative energy projects and happened to run by the sporting goods section of a Wal-mart. First off, Wal-Mart stores in Nevada sell guns and ammunition, secondly I asked how the sales of ammo were and the woman behind the counter said certain ammo such as 9mm bullets and other smaller rounds didn’t stay on the shelves for more than a day. From what she was saying people were coming in and buying bullets in bulk. I think Obama has something to do with it, but I also think that the realization is here that we are in trouble in this nation and protecting ourselves and our family is the number one priority.