I stepped away from this thread for a few days and boy-howdy….
Kev – you need to date women with similar money values to you. They’re out there. But may not be flashy… especially if you’re looking for someone who is a worker/earner, who saves her money, etc… She’s not going to be the woman with the coiffed hair, skin tight mini dress… she’s going to be the woman shopping for groceries in her work clothes, after a day at the office. I had my dream wedding for under $7k. But that’s because I prioritized spending the rest of the budget on travel with my husband. I had a similar net worth to my husband when we joined together…
I think Russ/Blogstar’s theory about same levels is a good theory. My husband is better looking and funnier than me- people like him quicker. But I’m steady, hard working, etc… people come to me for advise or problem solving or hard work. Together we make a great team… better together than apart. We came from different socio-economic places though… He’s from a huge Italian Catholic family, blue collar parents. I’m from a small WASP upper middle class family, parents and grandparents all college educated… That said – we both brought our experiences and learned from each other and each other’s families. We balance each other well, though we may not appear as balanced from the outside.