I see RP wants to cut spending overseas to preserve SS and Medicare (specifically the OASDI program). I’m all for this and also have several recommendations for SS reform.
Benefits paid to “survivors” are ridiculously high and don’t seem to bear any relationship to the actual FICA deposited into the deceased parent’s account. The SSDI threshold for “permanent disability” is too low, IMHO, and this system is gamed by a LOT of able-bodied younger people. This program should be reserved for permanently injured (brain function, loss of limb) individuals and individuals with birth defects. Persons who NEVER paid any FICA on their own behalf (did not work the necessary 40 quarters in their lifetimes) should NOT receive any benefits and should not be able to collect a portion of a spouse’s or former spouse’s benefit if that spouse is ALSO collecting OASDI. (I realize there are many persons aged 55 and up that are expecting a benefit and fit this category but the age has to stop somewhere.) Children with behavioral issues such as ADHD should not be eligible for benefits. Immigrants over the age of 65 who don’t have a FICA account with 40 quarters of work in it in their own right should not be allowed to receive SSI. I could go on but eliminating the gross wastefulness in this system will preserve OASDI for workers which is what it was set up for.
edit: the Medicare program should be reserved for ALL those US legal residents who are over the age of 65, regardless of work record.