I saw a recent Church sign (in Sulphur Springs, TX) that stated the following:
Reason is the Greatest Enemy of Faith
I think that’s utterly wrong. Reason isn’t the enemy of faith. It’s not an “either or” situation. However, for a church to espouse it as such is a danger to society. Query: Why is it OK for conservatives to claim to protect racist speech as protected by our Bill of Rights and then accept censorship of our NIH and NASA scientists by politicos? That’s what has confused me the past 8 years.
Allan, the criticisms of cooprider are legitimate. He’s the one ranting against science for being incorrect (sort of like those folks that believed that the world was flat or the sun revolved around the earth). There are plenty of folks here that are spiritual but are not dogmatic in their beliefs.
Have you been to the creationism museum in Tennessee? Have your friends at the NIH and NASA complain to you about being muzzled by this particular administration? It’s the overt anti-science element of this society that you should be criticizing. You shouldn’t be criticizing those of us who actually study and publish for being baffled by the constant harping by those with no knowledge of how scientific theory is taught and accepted in our graduate schools.
And if that’s construed as “elitism” then it begs the question what’s the point of becoming an expert in something if everyone’s “opinion” carries the same weight….