I remember on a previous thread we talked about scooters being the next big thing. I was half kidding.
Today I had to go to Motorsport in Normal Heights for a part for the Vespa. The Vespa dealership in Hillcrest only sells new Vespas.
If you want to repair any Vespa old or new, need to go to Motorsport. They also carry or can get all parts for old Vespas.
Anyhow, they carry Kymco and Buddy scooters. I think they can’t carry Vespa b/c the one in Hillcrest has some mile radius agreement w/Vespa, but I’m not sure.
In any case, the new Vespas are great, but verry costly.
The Kymco and Buddy scooters are decent substitute. They usually have about 20 in the store. Today all but 2 were SOLD.