I remember hearing or reading about Perry’s job creation and how he can’t really take all the credit, but I don’t remember where now. So I just did a quick check and came across Texas job growth.
It goes into and covers quite a bit over the past 20 years, including the type of low paying jobs: Dick Lavine, a senior fiscal analyst with the Center for Public Policy Priorities, says the state is tied with Mississippi for the highest percentage of the workforce in minimum wage jobs
And the money that’s basically used to bribe corporations to set up shop in Texas: Texas Enterprise Fund. This taxpayer fund was created at Perry’s behest to give money directly to corporations as an inducement to either relocate to Texas or, if they’re already in the state, to expand. Perry says that by giving away nearly a half-billion dollars, the fund will ultimately create nearly 60,000 jobs.
Worth a read. Ends w/this: What is undeniable is that relative to the rest of the country, Texas is adding the most jobs by far. Unfortunately, it has not been enough. Texas’ unemployment rate is at 8.2 percent, higher than the unemployment rate in the highly taxed, highly regulated state of New York. It is also higher than the 7.6 percent unemployment rate of Massachusetts, with its near universal health care, the state once governed by GOP rival Mitt Romney