I pretty much agree with all that you have said there, Arraya. My wife and I have been discussing some of your points. The idea that someone is going to be let out of the military because they are Muslim is unacceptable because it symbolizes a lack of conquest of Muslims. As much as I tend to want to focus on the stealing of resources, the wars(Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan,ect.) has the component/intention of conquering the people as well. We want to know that they are conquered. We want signs that this is going well.Hasan presents the opposite, especially since his outburst occurred close to home.Whether he was crazy or not doesn’t change the implications. We have created “terrorism” by amplifying the national “insecurity” by attacking the middle east over the decades. We wont leave and perhaps can’t successfully “conquer”, including, or because of the religiosity aspects. I really despise the “holy war” aspect but it isn’t going away. Both sides are driven by or using zealotry. We are effectively maintaining the Christian lies in our culture for effect and manipulation as well. We are being terrorized for effect by our own as much as anything, including by some piggs,perhaps inadvertently on their part.