“I personally think that this country should apologize for slavery and pay the descendants of slaves compensation.”
I’m reluctantly responding to this for fear that I’ll be labelled a racist, but this is something I feel strongly about. Just who is responsible for this compensation? I’ve been a taxpayer all my adult life, and now my taxes approach the median income in San Diego. Here’s my problem: my ancestors have only been in this country since the 1920’s, fleeing the disaster of the Weimar Republic. Why is my family responsible for slavery? Why do my taxes have to pay compenstation? Are we going to pass the bill to the Ivory Coast kings who sold off the slaves in the first place?
This issue is much too complicated to say “if we just give them some money and say we’re sorry, maybe they’ll leave us alone” type of solution. Don’t forget how many wounds you’ll open with this kind of idea. If you think racism and resentment is bad now, wait and see what happens if we start paying compensation. In addition, look how far we have come in a single generation. If you told me 30 years ago that in 2008 we would have a serious black presidential candidate I would have thought you were doing drugs. Change can and does happen within one generation. We see living proof of that today. In my view, this compensation has the potential to undo all of what we have achieved.
One more thing. The blood of 500,000 Americans was shed earning freedom for slaves. I’m sorry, but in my book that is compensation and apology enough.