I personally fully embraces the Cloud services and it seems like all the major ecosystems are heading that way too.
OK, so you’d be comfortable uploading personal financial information to a “service” with unknown security? Then you’re either an idiot or the most trusting person ever.
The desktop paradigm provides that CHOICE. I can either work on files locally, or upload data to a cloud service. But it generally remains a choice, rather than software choosing for you.
And unless my device is stolen, what’s on my drive (and backed up to a Time Capsule or similar) is likely to remain my property. I want to know WHERE my files are, and have access to them as discrete elements that can be copied, shared, and backed up at will.
Lastly, the irony is that with ipv6 (a chicken in every pot, a public address for every device) is that true peer-to-peer data sharing becomes much easier. Why bother having central “cloud” providers if individual devices with shared keys can synchronize data directly and handle versioning themselves?
Unless it needs to be public, then that model makes sense even with ipv6.