I personally do not believe in buying cheap insurance. You do get what you pay for. When I shopped for insurance, I found the cheaper rates were commensurate with lower coverage limits.
Good people get sued in accidents legitimately or illegitimately and do you want your personal assets to be on the line because you went with the minimal amount of liability? For me, its not worth the few hundred dollars in savings to go with lower limits.
If you own property or have any significant assets, or would like to not put your future earnings in jeopardy, you should take out an umbrella policy on top of your home and auto insurance. If you have a pet, take out an umbrella policy. The reality is if someone steps on your property and slips and falls, they can sue you.
I have State Farm. They are not the cheapest. They have great customer service and pay claims without a problem, offer many discounts for good driving record, car safety, multiple policies, and finally, they will send you rebate checks if they are having a good year! The caveat is not all agents are good. When I moved here I started with a guy downtown that was an incompetent dipshit. He calculated my premium incorrectly. He was off by like $60, but I didn’t know this when I paid the premium in full for 6 months via credit card and then proceeded to leave the country for almost 2 months. I wasn’t around to receive the new bill and he never called me so State Farm just dropped my coverage and issued me a refund check. So I come home to find that I was uninsured for about 2 weeks so if my car had been stolen I would have been SOL. A good agent would have called, but he didn’t so I just switched to another one and they’ve been great since. He had the balls to call me to ask why I switched and I told him if he had bothered to pick up the phone while I was his client to tell me I had to pay more because he couldn’t calculate the premium correctly, this wouldn’t be an issue.