I offered to buy one for my husband. He declined.
He did accept the fact that I wanted a sapphire rather than a diamond (my birthstone is sapphire.) It was WAAAY cheaper because of this. (We knew we were going to get married from about date 3 or 4… Just waited a decent time to make sure.)
I would have been fine with no ring. That said – I wear my engagement ring fulltime… It’s silly sentimental. I’ve been wearing it for more than 10 years. It’s stupid, but it reminds me of our bond every time I look at it. Sappy, I know. And I’m not the sappy type.
I’m curious Dave… how old are you?
My husband was a lifelong bachelor… He was 47 when we got married. He’d never been married… never fully committed to living with anyone prior – although he’d been “virtually” living with 2 long term girlfriends prior to me. (Serially, not parallel)
I was reasonably content being single too – I was 38 when we got married – first marriage for me. I’d wanted kids – but had pretty much put that aside by the time I met my husband.
We both had comfortable, happy lives as single people prior to marriage. That said – we’re happy together… although there’s less freedom post kids. But our kids are great and we have no regrets.