I measured my garage and checked a few sources and figured out I have a slightly larger than average 2 car garage. It’s 21×21 so about 440 sq ft. Works out that I paid $2.22 per sq ft. My neighbor must have paid closer to $3.40/ft. I’m sure there is someone out there that has paid much less than me, and probably someone who has paid >$4/ft.
There probably is a difference in the care taken in installation, but I suspect the actual assembly is identical no matter who is doing it. I was in kind of a rush when I was had it done, I wanted it finished before I moved in, so didn’t have the time to screw around with getting a lot of quotes. But it was also a very dead period for new construction so the contractors were probably hungry.
I think it’s like a lot of contracting work, vendors will charge whatever they think you’ll pay. So they want to size you up before they give you a number. I’d get quotes from a few and bargain with them. They’re entitled to make a reasonable profit, and that’s probably somewhere between $2.00 and $2.50/ft. Anything over that, they’re making good bling. And a bigger garage should probably be even less /ft. Marginal cost has to be minimal between a 400 and 800 sq ft garage.