I love conspiracy theories, but in the case of 9/11 lets stick to some absolute facts.
First the two planes did bring down the twin towers. With a modern skyscraper, each floor supports the many above it. Like a row of dominos, when one floors steel support structure fails, the millions of tons of material above cause the subsequent floors to drop one at a time. Witnesses said the aviation fuel caused the steel to be heated white hot, causing the structural failure. An unfortunate design flaw of modern building is a mudsill on each floor to make attaching the wall structures easier. The mudsill held in the burning fuel allowing the overheat to cause the steel to fail.
Second, we know the Osama bin Laden (OBL)hated the Saudis for stripping him of his citizenship and family. We know that many of the supposed 9/11 hijackers (9) who were supposed to be Saudi were in fact imposters. The info left in the van (details of the identities of the supposed hijackers left by “late” arriving terrorists)pointed to names of people who had their identities stolen. At least four are still alive. This points to a “get even” ploy from OBL that also taints the Saudi’s as the perps. This also explains why the US govt. worked so dilligently to get important Saudi’s out of the country in the days just after the incident – they were at risk from a mislead public.
Third, the various intelligence agencies did surface the basics of the plot, but were ignored by their own management. Not an executive conspiracy, but standard government ineptitude. There had been talk of plots using hijacked planes back as far as 1996, but no one took any action. Mohammed ATTA the supposed ring leader was on everyone’s radar. Just to be funny, when he applied for his visa to come to the U.S. he used a name that was a joke just to prove how unfamiliar with Muslim names our experts are.
Forth, the supposed perfect hole in the pentagon is a puzzler until you find out the wings of the plane had already come off after contact with the ground. The hole was caused by only the perfectly round fuselage.
The only fact I can find that supports a conspiracy is that
Al Queda has never been able – before or since – to launch an operation of this complexity. Transferring money, getting flight lessons, coodinating 21 peoples movements and living arrangements, planting misleading evidence. This was two orders of magnitude more complex than anything else they have done. Pointing to the possibility that Al Queda was not the criminal. Supporting this assertion is the fact that OBL has disappeared off the face of the earth. If your believe there was a conspiracy, and that a sitting US President would not ever allow such a travesty, then to whom can we look for the ability to perform complex dirty tricks types of foreign operations that had something to gain from 9/11.