I looked up average patient to RN ratio for a nursing home and it’s 30 to 1. That’s almost 10x more than the hospital.
Please cite source.. I got my info from asking the nursing home where my father was.
The fact that non-profit and for-profit hospital charge similar fees means either non-profit are hiding their cash somewhere
I suspect the former because their charges are way in excess of what their costs seem to be. It can also be that being owned by a non-profit brands them as a non profit even though they are turning a profit. Somehow.. for not being profitable, they can find a lot of money to build even bigger hospitals. In addition, hospital room charges are way in excess of what hospital room costs are in Universal Health Care countries. Japan charges $10/day (too low).. it was recently on KPBS. Some of the difference may be to changing how support people (RN, LVN) are charged.. that is why I want to see the charge structure because the numbers don’t add up right.