I looked at your old links, svelte. It reminded me that I have actually reviewed many homeowner’s tax bills with the various CFD’s listed. Some of these owners owned the same property for more than 20 years. It is true that MR for a school district CFD continues to be collected from the affected property owners (in the form of MR bond pymts) long after the needed schools are built. I recently posted on the “deficit reduction” thread that MR was used to build schools but not run them. That is incorrect. Schools located within CFD’s have better and newer facilities which are maintained better, i.e. landscaping, carpeting, indoor lockers, lockers with built-in locks, swimming pools, larger gymnasiums and cafeterias, indiv sinks in restrooms, separate auditoriums or theatres, bigger, better stadiums, separate showers in the locker rooms, etc. All this costs more $$ to maintain than the older “bare-bones” campus not located within a CFD. However, I do not believe that MR is used for teacher or administrator salaries.
Property owners who pay MR to school district CFD’s may ALSO be paying voter-approved construction bonds to the SAME school and community college districts on the “regular” portion of their property tax bill (that every property owner in their school district pays). The MR bonds they pay to their district are OVER and ABOVE any voter-approved construction bonds and other allocated portions to their school district on the “regular” portion of their tax bill.