I looked at the plat map and the zoning map. This parcel is surrounded by little SFR lots on the mesas to the east and west. If there is a driveway easement to this site it isn’t obvious. Even if there is a driveway easement, if it isn’t wide enough and/or if they can’t expand the width the city might not issue the building permit. Any more, most fire agencies want a driveway that’s at least 20 feet wide for these interior lots. They’d be even less amenable to dealing if there was a lot of topo involved.
Gotta get water and sewer to this site before you can develop it. If there’s a natural drainage course or if there’s an open space easement that prevents getting those utilities in it can get complicated.
If nothing else, a couple NIMBY neighbors could effectively prevent development if they used their imagination. It’s not that hard to do.
Developing land often looks a lot easier than it is.