I know who the original owner in December is. Not personally. Don’t socialize. Just know who he is. I know the name of his girlfriend. Never met her. Wouldn’t have any idea who she is if she were standing in the same room w/me. Just know her name.
The person who bought it in December sold it to his girlfriend in February for 100k more than he originally bought it for just 2 months earlier.
They both have pretty good jobs. I can only conclude they intentionally defaulted. Unfortunately, that’s all I can say right now, but when I find out more, I’ll post somewhere when I can, either here or BMIT or SDL. Suffice it to say there is much more to the story, just trust me. I just don’t want to post anything further until I’m sure and have more facts.
I have no qualms w/whoever purchased it from the “Trust” that acquired it at the steps. If they can afford it, then good for them.