I know exactly what you mean. And, do you notice how they wont look you in the eye?
I’m tall and usually get lucky with upgrades so leg room isnt a problem.
Whenever I do end up in the back, there is inevitably a person in front of me who pushes their seat all the way back, making it impossible to use my tray for food, laptop, writing. I actually have no problem tapping their shoulder and saying, “excuse me, but can you put your seat up a little? I have no room here.” They usually look surprised, embarassed and then pull up a little.
I’m also a Screaming Baby Magnet.
To be fair, I’ve witnessed true acts of real chivalry and kindness on planes. Men usually want to grab my overhead bag for me, or allow me to go first, etc.
If I dont have a connection, sometimes I just let the plane unload before getting off. It’s less stressful that way.
My 90 year old father-in-law was here a few months ago, and we rented a wheelchair for him. It turned out to be a good experience on many levels: he was more comfortable and I saw many surprising examples of human kindness. People held doors for us, offered to carry packages, and let us move ahead in lines. It was amazing.
Hmmm…perhaps we could just christen today “Whiney Wednesday” 🙂