I know at Scripps Hospital, there’s a max of 4 patient per nurse (RN not LVN). Since you have first hand experience, can you elaborate on what’s the patient/RN ratio at your dad’s nursing home?
It was between 2 and 3. The Nursing home was structured for those that need more care than normal. I would need to see if I can find out if they were LVN or RN, or what was the ratio with RN. I suspect just a bit higher at 6 to 8 on RN only. They made it up with more LVNs.
I also said that the patient/RN ratio is only one reason why hospital have to charge more. I don’t run a hospital, so I can’t tell you what their costs are, but some hospital, like Scripps, are non profit, so there must be a reason why they’re charging the rate they are charging.
I have wondered about that too. I would like to see their internal cost structure. The room cost alone would support the wages for almost 13 additional RNs dedicated to only one person… so something is up. Non-profit is an interesting game.. there are churches that are running hospitals (ie. Glendale Adventists) and are registered as non-profit.. is this because they are affiliated with a church and proceeds go to the church? I repeat: I would really like to see the cost structure.. so little is discussed about the ‘room bill’ on a hospital.. and it is so large, quite often larger than the actual surgery bill and specific care surcharges.. and it is a black hole— literally.
If it’s so profitable to run a hospital as you trying to portray, then wouldn’t there be a lot more hospital propping up?